Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 45

volume Number : 12
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 45

volume Number 12، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 45

Influential Factors in Determining the Genre of Literature

Reza Heydari Nuri(Author in Charge), Saemeh Khorasani

Determining the genre in modern researches is considered the main issue. Due to lack of historic background and novelty of subjects in Persian literature, has more difficulties. The need for the localization of existing Western models and the necessities of the globalization of local literature are two contradictory needs of modern Persian literature. Therefore, the main question is that is it possible to present a model that covers the needs of Persian literature, while providing the global standards. In the present paper, it was attempted to provide a three-dimensional model to determine the literary genre. first, basic genres (epic, lyrical, didactics) were determined that are accepted at the global level. Second, to determine the genre, three main variables of content and theme, tone and presentation method were used. Third, for each of the following variables, some factors are considered: content and theme included 24 factors such as championship and being cutie, romantic; tone had more than 40 element including being sincerely, advisable and imperative, categorized in three logical, excitable and emotional and presentation method was classified into three sub-factors of narrative, addressing and soliloquy. Finally, using these three variables, the dominant type of work is determined.

Genre , Epic , Lyrical , Didactic , Dominant Form , Content and Theme , Tune , Presentation Style

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